Simon of Cyrene... Only one man who could say he had the privilege to carry the cross of Jesus...
A few months back I watched a sermon by Pastor Judah Smith called "The Unlikely Path to Satisfaction". Wow, this one rocked me and has been stirring in me ever since. Then I came across this SkitGuys video I posted below.
This ordinary man was confronted with any inconvenient task while he was just going about is life. He was walking through the crowds and was picked out to carry the cross of Jesus. At this time, it probably seemed incredibly inconvenient, dirty, difficult and messy. "Who was this criminal?" he probably thought. I know I would have wondered what he had done and quickly determined that I should not have to give of myself to help him out. He was the criminal, not me. In all honesty, I would have probably tried to get away, like I never heard the solider calling me out. But not Simon, he found himself in the middle of the greatest privilege. He heard the people cursing Jesus. He felt the spit and the possible rocks being thrown. Jesus' blood probably stained his clothes. What was going through his mind at the time? Was he so upset by the inconvenience that he missed the "moment"? Or did his heart begin to break because he realized what he was a part of? We won't know every detail, but I find myself wondering what I would have done.
Have you missed any opportunities that seemed to just be an interruption? I know I have. Let's be on purpose. "Lord, open our eyes and our ears to know when you are calling us out of the crowd to be a part of something that is so much bigger than ourselves!"
Take a minute to watch the clip below and when you get a chance, if you want, check out Pastor Judah's message.
Our greatest privilege might just be from your greatest interruption.